Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Roses Spare Ribs

I can't remember exactly where I got this recipe but ever since (25 years ago) it has been a firm favourite and my hubby says he has not tasted better ribs anywhere!

1kg pork or Iamb ribs        1 clove garlic
3 bay leaves                 1 onion peeled
6 peppercorns                water to cover

150 ml tomato sauce          1 onion chopped
salt and pepper              2 ml dried basil
50g brown sugar              1 ml Tabasco sauce
75 ml honey                  75 ml chutney
1 clove garlic               5 ml mustard powder
50 ml vinegar                12,5 ml Worcester sauce
12,5 ml soy sauce            50 ml apricot jam

Place ribs, onion, garlic, peppercorns and leaves in a large pan and cover with water. Simmer 40-45 mins or until the meat is tender.  Drain and put in a foil covered roasting pan. Place sauce ingredients in a pan and stir gently over a low heat for about 10 mins. Cover meat with the sauce and bake uncovered for about 3O-40 mins at 180 C.  Baste frequently until ribs are crispy.

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