Monday, March 4, 2013

Chocolate Cake

This is my favourite chocolate cake recipe from my Auntie Doreen that I use all the time as it is very moist but very light at the same time.

1 ½ cups flour          ¼ cup cocoa
1 ½ cup sugar           ¾ cup oil
¾ boiling water         4 eggs, separated
4 tsp baking powder     1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt

Sift flour, sugar and salt and cocoa, make depression in flour and add 4 yolks. Add 3 tsp baking powder to yolks. Break yolks. Add boiling water and oil to yolks. Mix well. Add 1 tsp baking powder to egg whites. Beat and fold into cake. Mix. Add vanilla,pour into two greased sandwich cake tins and bake for 30 minutes at 180 C.

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